The 7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction

30 Mar 2017 ~ 2 Apr 2017

Renowned for its wide-ranging multidisciplinary approach and distinguished roster of expert speakers, the 7th Congress of the Asia Pacific Initiative on Reproduction (ASPIRE 2017) is coming to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, on 30 March – 2 April 2017.

Right up to the Opening Ceremony, the Organising Committee and ASPIRE Executive Board will be working tirelessly to bring to Kuala Lumpur this important event for the region’s clinicians, nurses, researchers and academics in the field of reproductive medicine and fertility.

Meanwhile, the stellar lineup of speakers who will be flying in for this reproduction congress are marking their calendars and preparing their presentations, to assure that all delegates fly out with a wealth of powerful insights into the latest research and treatment options and remain ahead of the curve on all the significant developments and advancements that will impact the future of fertility preservation, embryology, andrology, clinical trials, PCOS, PGS, IVM, and related fields.

The presence of leading pharmaceutical and healthcare product companies will keep all of us up-to-date on the latest treatments and technologies, and our highly anticipated social programme will provide ample opportunities for catching up with friends and associates, meeting new ones, and getting a taste of dynamic Kuala Lumpur with its monuments, skyscrapers, parks, mega-malls, street markets and fabulous cuisine.