2nd Global Cancer Summit 2017

Diagnosis and Therapy
Screening technologies and diagnostic markers.
Estimation of prognosis and identification of individuals at increased risk of cancer.
Factors associated with stage of diagnosis and clinical outcome.
All types of therapy and all phases of development and testing.
Epidemiology and Prevention
Population-based research aimed at understanding causation, incidence, trends, and risk (such as environmental and genetic risk).
Research on prevention (for example, lifestyle and nutritional factors), including individual and community interventions.
Health Services Research
Quality and cost of healthcare and coordination of care.
Development and testing of healthcare delivery methods.
Access to healthcare including primary care and screening services.
Information, Patients and the Public
Public policy issues, ethics and confidentiality.
Education and communication about cancer.
Involvement of patients and public in deciding research priorities.
Patient-led research.
Survivorship and End of life Care
Living with and beyond cancer: physical, psychological and social impacts and their management.
Research into care at the end of life.
The Cancer Cell and Model Systems
Molecular and cellular mechanisms of oncogenesis and tumour suppression.
The tumour microenvironment.
Cell biology relevant to cancer.
Date: 22-24 March
Time: 9am-5pm
Venue: KLCC